While I assume that you will be considerate in all of our interactions, these details are meant to preemptively set your mind at ease and prepare you for an enchanting encounter.
- Investment - Please have my gift enclosed in an unsealed envelope, placed visibly on a counter or in the bathroom, prior to my arrival. If you are coming to my location I request that my envelope be placed on a visible surface upon your arrival. If we are meeting somewhere public you may discreetly hand me your donation in a small gift bag or book or place it directly (in an enclosed envelope) into my purse.
- Timeliness - I am unable to extend your booking time due to a late arrival. Please be on time so that we're able to enjoy the full extent of our vehement affair.
- Hygiene - I will always be freshly showered and dressed to impress for our rendezvous together. I request that you use the same consideration when you come to see me. If you're unable to clean up before coming, I would be happy to hop in the shower with you to freshen up.
- Extensions - I appreciate extension requests, but cannot always accommodate them. Please be respectful of my prior commitments if they prevent me from accepting your offer.
- Discretion - Discretion and confidentiality are important aspects of professional companionship. I ask that you keep the details of our encounters between the two of us. I will sign an NDA upon request and remain your secret and silent seductress when we are apart.
- Boundaries - It is imperative that you respect my boundaries as they are communicated. I am a gifted linguist and will gently guide you during our encounter, but may have to issue more direct verbal instruction if you do not recognize my behavioral queues. If you push my boundaries, I reserve the right to terminate our encounter with immediacy and without refund. The sweeter and more respectful you are, the more we can explore and enjoy one another.